Fashion Model Training School
Learn important skills and knowledge from professionals in the fashion and modelling industry.
What We Do 学院介绍
Welcome to Basic Academy, the premier model training school launched by Basic Models Management, Singapore’s leading modeling agency. With a rich history in the fashion industry, Basic Models Management has expanded its expertise to offer comprehensive training programs for aspiring models at Basic Academy.
At Basic Academy, we offer specialized training programs in catwalk techniques, posing skills, and other important skills like makeup and styling. Our aim is to equip aspiring models with the skills, confidence, and industry knowledge required to thrive on the international stage.
Our success stories speak volumes about the effectiveness of our training programs. Many of our trained models have walked the runways of major fashion cities and have graced the pages of prestigious fashion magazines. Our training has played a pivotal role in helping these models achieve remarkable milestones in their careers.
Basic Academy 为新加坡模特经纪公司 Basic Models设立的模特培训学院,以丰富经验与高度的产业连结,打造出具备国际前沿的模特培训体系,自 2012年起已栽培了近千位学员,签约并输送模特进入国际时尚产业,是新加坡模特造星的领导品牌。
Basic Academy 提供完善的教学设施与培训场地,培训性质包括了新加坡唯一导入的长期模特课程、短期体验营及兴趣班,由在职名模、业界翘楚组成的优秀师资亲自授课,培训课程涵盖台步训练、摆拍姿势、试镜与广告演技、形象塑造、护肤化妆、拍摄实训等,并与多领域合作进行考核,让学员实际应用所学技能,提升个人综合素质与表现力,表现优秀的结业学员亦有机会与经纪公司签约,成为模特界的生力军。
Academy Graduates 杰出校友
As Featured On 媒体报导